Lost Ark Support
Troubleshooting Sound and Voice Chat Issues
Make sure that the in-game volume isn't disabled or too low.
From the in-game play screen, select the Esc button.
Within the Game Menu, select Settings, and then Audio.
Confirm the volume sliders are not set to 0, and that the check boxes for the volume sliders are checked.
If volume isn't the issue, try the troubleshooting over at Microsoft Support.
Note: Voice chat is only available if you’re in a party, which requires all participants to be level 10.
If you can't hear other players in voice chat or they can't hear you, try the following:
Confirm that you successfully joined a party with at least one other player. Then, make sure that you entered the same voice chat channel.
From the in-game play screen, select the Esc button.
Within the Game Menu, select Settings, and then Audio, to view your voice chat settings.
If you can't hear party members, make sure that your speaker volume for voice chat isn’t set at 0. If other party members can't hear you, make sure that your microphone volume for voice chat isn’t set at 0.
Under the Voice Input Mode section, you can switch between Push to Talk or Always On. Adjust this setting to fit your preference.
If you still can't hear your party members, select the microphone icon next to their name. Check to make sure that their microphone volume isn't set at 0.
If you continue to encounter voice chat issues, try the troubleshooting steps over at Microsoft Support. These troubleshooting steps can help to make sure it's not a speaker or headphone issue caused by your Windows computer.