New World Support
Are your characters gone? Lost your game progress? We want to help you restore it as quickly as possible, so please read through the instructions below to see if any of the described circumstances are relevant to you.
Amazon Games iD launched on June 11th, 2024 and features compatibility with New World. Amazon Games iD is an identity system created exclusively for the titles published by Amazon Games.
You can learn more about Amazon Games iD by viewing our FAQ.
Lost Game Progress
If you have played New World after linking your Steam account with your Amazon Games iD account, your New World game data and progress would move to your Amazon Games iD.
Unlinking your Steam account or closing your Amazon Games iD will result in your New World characters and progress to be lost.
You can follow the steps below to have your game progress restored.
Re-link your Steam Account to your Amazon Games iD
Go to on a web browser and sign into your Amazon Games iD.
Select the Account Linking tab.
Click Link Account in the Steam section and link the same Steam account you previously used.
Follow the on-screen instructions provided in the sub-page to complete the linking.
Closed your Amazon Games iD
Contact customer support for further assistance with game progress recovery if you closed your Amazon Games iD.