Lost Ark Support
Time limited content lockouts apply to a variety of content types, and can reset either daily, weekly, or upon obtaining and using an entry ticket. The lockout reset periods by content type:
Chaos Dungeons: Daily
Guardian Raids: Daily
Abyssal Dungeons: Weekly
Abyss Raids: Weekly
Legion Raids: Weekly
If you lose a lockout due to a verified crash, you'll automatically receive a restoration ticket in your mailbox within 24 hours of losing your lockout. This also includes ticketed content like cube instances.
Player support specialists can't manually issue re-entry tickets or request exceptions to this policy.
Restoration Ticket Notes:
Restoration tickets are sent to the character’s mailbox and are available for 7 days upon receiving the mail.
Legion Raids have a limited number of integrated entries. If a restoration ticket is used without going through the corresponding Legion Raid, the restoration ticket will be removed.
Recommendation: Use the restoration ticket after clearing a Legion Raid that requires a ticket.
Restoration tickets are provided based on the last gate that was cleared.
Recommendation: Clear all gates if possible before using the restoration ticket.