New World Support
Premium Reward Track
Costs 20,000 Marks of Fortune.
Contains additional rewards like cosmetics, Marks of Fortune, Boost Tokens, and even more seasonal loot.
You can opt-in to the Premium Track at any point during the season and retroactively receive all eligible rewards.
When a Season ends, we send any unearned unique seasonal rewards to the vault.
Head Start Pass
Available from character creation to level 80.
Costs 30,000 Marks of Fortune.
Your character's season pass gains +20 levels to their current level.
Example: A brand new character's season pass jumps to level 20, and a level 40 character's season pass jumps to level 60.
Unlocks all Premium and Free track rewards up to your character's new level.
Note: If you previously purchased a Premium Reward Track pass, or hit level 81, you can't purchase a Head Start pass. However, you can purchase individual season pass levels for 1,000 Marks of Fortune.
How to Purchase
To purchase Premium Reward tracks:
Launch New World.
Once in-game navigate to the Seasons Tab in the in-game menu, or select F9 to purchase the pass from there.
Note: If needed, you can purchase Marks of Fortune from the in-game store.