Important Update: Server Consolidation Information for THRONE AND LIBERTY

If you lost your game progress due to unlinking or closing your Amazon Games iD account, please read through the instructions below to see if any of the described circumstances are relevant to you.
Game Progress Lost
If you have played THRONE AND LIBERTY after linking your platform account with your Amazon Games iD account, your game data and progress would move to your Amazon Games iD.
Unlinking your account or closing your Amazon Games iD will result in your THRONE AND LIBERTY characters and progress to be lost.
You can follow the steps below to have your game progress restored.
Re-link your Platform Account to your Amazon Games iD
Go to on a web browser and sign into your Amazon Games iD.
Select the Account Linking tab.
Click Link Account and link the same account you previously used.
Follow the on-screen instructions provided in the sub-page to complete the linking.
Closed your Amazon Games iD
Go to our Amazon Games iD Help Center for further assistance with game progress recovery if you closed your Amazon Games iD.