Lost Ark Support
What is the Powerpass?
Powerpasses are a consumable item that will boost a character to a specific level depending on the type of Powerpass consumed without having to go through the storyline, quests, and cutscenes.
There are three different ways to obtain Powerpasses, detailed below:
Purchasable Powerpass: From the voucher selection screen.
For more information, check out the Purchasable Power Pass article.
Event Powerpass: Select an event pass from the voucher selection screen.
Progression Powerpass: Select an event pass from the voucher selection screen.
The current available Powerpasses can be viewed at the character select screen.
Earning and Using the Power Pass
Event Powerpasses are often given out alongside other events such as Super Mokoko Express.
They will appear in your in-game mail or product inventory depending on the event.
The level of the Powerpass will change based on the specifics of the event.
Event Powerpasses have an expiration date for being claimed tied to the end date of that particular event.
Select your region and world.
Go to the character select screen.
Characters eligible to use the Power Pass will have a yellow Powerpass Available message.
To apply the power pass, click the yellow Power Pass button next to your chosen character.